Thursday, October 27, 2011


A community is a group of people who tend to reside together in one place, and share common goals, attitudes, and interests. People within a community interact with each other and feel a sense of belonging. Communities can include many different groups, organizations, and institutions. College's and universities have a sense of community as well as religious groups, sports teams, families, etc. Basically anything that brings people together who share common interests, goals or attitudes can be considered a community. Communities consist of members, roles, communication processes, needs, and skills, etc,. Anyone can be part of a community, it is just a sense of belonging and having things in common with the people around you. It is basically like a culture, communities can have a certain way of communicating with each other whether it be verbally or non verbally, have a certain way of dress, different ways of acting towards one another, maybe even eating certain foods, etc,.

The article by Ellison, Seinfeld, and Lamp mention that in early research it was recommended to use systems on the internet that would connect people of one community, to people in other communities. Social networking can bring people together and this is something beneficial to communities, they are not so confined to only one certain way of living, and they can possibly get outside perspectives. Communities can consist of different people with different views and beliefs, therefore every community is different and unique in their own way.

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